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Cecilia Florvall
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Cecilia Florvall

With my pallet, knives and brushes I want to create a dreaming perspective of our time and life. I am inspired by the interaction between nature and man-made things in combination with time and social trends. The motifs, elements and expression of my artwork is to be looked at as a kind of snapshot of our time in a greater context, and I often play a little with time and places. In this way the viewer gets a possibility to make her own story of what is seen.

I spite of the motifs small or big drama my intention is to create a feeling of peace and serenity, and to give the viewer a pause for thought and wondering. The favorite motives and objects are trees and man-made buildings, but I also love to focus on details from nature and to work with people’s feelings in portraits.

My painting technique is inspired by the old renaissance painters, transferred in to modern time. I use several layers of paint (acrylic or oil) on canvas or paper, to make a sense of texture. My painting style can be described as naturalistic with a surreal touch.

Vær den første til at se Cecilia Florvall's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Naturens genopdagelse af Cecilia Florvall
Naturens genopdagelse af Cecilia Florvall
Forårsfornemmelser af Cecilia Florvall
Forårsfornemmelser af Cecilia Florvall
The tale of a wall af Cecilia Florvall
The tale of a wall IV af Cecilia Florvall

Følg mig på de sociale medier

Udstillings Datoer


2022 Taastrup Kunstforening
2022 The Art Fair, Lokomotivværkstedet
2022 Helleruplund Kunstforening, Helleruplund Sognegård
2021 The Art Fair, Lokomotivværkstedet
2021 101 Kunstnerer 2021, forlaget Frydenlund
2021 Tandklinikken, Bagsværdvej 70 B, 2830 Lyngby
2021 Kunstforeningen Haas-Meincke
2020 The Art Fair, Lokomotivværkstedet
2020 Galleri Bryggens Atelier
2019 Kunsthuset Annaborg, Hillerød
2018 Helsingør Kunstgalleri, gæstekunstner
2017 Kunsthuset Annaborg, Hillerød
2014 Mölle by- och kulturförening (Sverige)
2014 Ristorante Boscaini, Manziusgården Birkerød
2012 Kunsthuset Annaborg, Hillerød
2012 Månedens kunstner i Kunstnerhuset-Vadehavet, Skærbæk
2010 Københavns Kommmune - Vej og Parks kunstforening
2009 Center for Ledelses kunstforening
2008 Meinckes Kunstforening

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