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Anette Witthøfft

Anette Witthøfft

My name is Anette, and I am 51 years old. I have always been creative and painted and drew extensively in my youth. However, career, children, and family put that part of my life on hold. I expressed my creativity in other ways through my graphic design business and my vintage kelim rug shop, which I closed in 2022. It was time to pick up painting and drawing again.

Nature is my greatest source of inspiration. My paintings are often very organic, with flow and movement within the works. The color palette is typically delicate, with few points of contrast, and I work in many different layers. I paint with acrylics, oil pastels, and pencils.

At the heart of my artistic journey lies a deep connection to the organic – to life, nature, movement, and depth. Inspired by nature’s endless beauty and complexity, I strive to create works that invite discovery and reflection.

The central purpose of my art is the desire to inspire the viewer to explore. From a distance, each piece presents one story, but as you approach, new details and nuances emerge that were previously hidden. This experience of uncovering hidden layers in art reflects life itself. I want to encourage the viewer to look beyond the immediate impression, to explore and understand the deeper layers in our surroundings and within each other.

In a time marked by rapid change and superficial observation, I hope my works serve as a reminder of the value of depth and discovery. It is important to take the time to explore and appreciate the many facets of our world – to see, understand, and cherish what lies beneath the surface.