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Lene Krüger

Lene Krüger

I was born in 1955. I have spent most of my adult life working as an independent accounting consultant within the advertising industry. Alongside that, I have always had a great need to express myself creatively in different ways. In recent years, however, my urge to create has almost exclusively been expressed as a painting artist. I am partially self-taught - however, I have participated in workshops with the artist Bierte Hee, who got me started with intuitive painting. Since then, I have further developed this way of painting, so that I have found my own expression.
My most important tool is my fingers - then sponges, rags and a bucket of water - never brushes. In this way, I always have a good feeling for the 'soul' of the painting, and can nuance the process in full respect for the story that the individual painting wants to tell.