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Tina Sommer Paaske

Tina Sommer Paaske

Textile artist - Tina Sommer Paaske

I work in textiles, thread and surface design, my inspiration comes from within and it can be a feeling, an idéa or a mood, which is met by something I see. From here my image slowly evolves to something more concrete, to something I can shape and create with my home dyed and printet fabrics.
I seek to create meaning of inner images in collaboration with impressions met from outside. Fabric speak to so many of our senses, it can provide a feeling of security and well being, but it also creates a visual joy.
I've been engaged in many courses of textile art, short and long termed, I've been exhibiting numerous times per year since 2016. 2020 offered a lot, not all bad but good things too, like an invitation to exhibit with CPH ArtSpace (Filosoffen Odense), Kunstsamlingen and two acceptance for censured exhibits, Wide horizons VII (SAQA) and Roskilde Open.