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  • Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund

Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund
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Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund

I paint acrylic paintings on canvas, sometimes with serigraphy and collage.

The paintings are most often intuitively painted, inspired by the joy of color and a landscape for my inner gaze. 

The mood of the colors, layers of travel memories and nature's lines and patterns, is what captures me. I'm often on a journey to a fictional place I paint. I'm looking for a balance where it's not naturalistic or adorable, but rather more wild, and with pops of color. A little for the senses and the imagination. It is up to the viewer which place it evokes.

Member of several painter groups i.e. “Halvcirklen Roskilde”

Studio workshop at Kunstnerværkstedet Roskilde, Sdr Ringvej 9, 4000 Roskilde

Vær den første til at se Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Færøerne af Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund
Vinterfjord af Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund
Silent space  af Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund
Lysning af Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund
Uden titel af Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund
Uden titel af Elisabeth Windelin-Haslund

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Udstillings Datoer


Censored exhibition LK Open 2025

Included in the book: 101 Artists 2023/24

Roskilde Congres center

Palæfløjen, Roskilde several times

Art in Pentecost 2021-2024 at the Kunstværket and Kunstnerværkstedet Roskilde

Gallery Tuse Næs 2022

Censored exhibition Roskilde Open RÅ2019

Various art associations B.a. Rambøll, Kbh Byret, companies and municipalities.

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