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Mette Hansgaard
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Mette Hansgaard

Welcome to my art, which is created with inspirations from life and the seasons of nature.

I paint paintings and watercolours. Walking in the forest can provide impulses for inner peace, and it brings back memories of past experiences on life's journeys. These inspirations I paint out, like paintings on canvas.

Colors, like mixed sweets, can also occur in other ways in the paintings than they are naturally created in nature.
In some paintings, this can give a surreal atmosphere which leads to a form of abstraction both in expression and in the choice of powerful color combinations.

My art can be seen in my studio in Copenhagen city. Rørholmsgade 10. kld.tv 1352 Copenhagen. In september i have been having artexhibition in JUPITER gallery - Hamburg with WestStationGallery.

Vær den første til at se Mette Hansgaard's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Mountain landscape, Sydgrønland 80 x 80 cm af Mette Hansgaard
80⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
8.500 DKK
Floating away like an iceberg af Mette Hansgaard
60⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
5.000 DKK
Birkeskoven af Mette Hansgaard
90⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
7.500 DKK
Ny Luk lyset ind af Mette Hansgaard
90⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
11.500 DKK
Sydgrønland - nordisk landskab 80 x 80 cm af Mette Hansgaard
80⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
8.500 DKK
Nordiske bjerge - Mountains from Europa af Mette Hansgaard
80⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
6.500 DKK
Indlandsisen smelter 60 x 50 af Mette Hansgaard
60⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
5.000 DKK
Nordisk landskab fra naturens bjerge af Mette Hansgaard
80⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
6.500 DKK
Smeltende indlandsis - Grønland af Mette Hansgaard
20⨯20 cm (H⨯W)
1.200 DKK
Amagermino - Birkeskoven af Mette Hansgaard
60⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
5.000 DKK
Den Hemmelige port af Mette Hansgaard
30⨯30 cm (H⨯W)
1.800 DKK

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Companies and private collectors since 1990. Se more at www.mhkunst.com

Selection of Art exhibitions and Art projects by Mette Hansgaard
Juried exhibitions
2023 “Kunstpunkt” juried exhibitions, Augustenborg Denmark
2023 “Roskilde Open”. censureret udstilling i Palæfløjen. Roskilde. Denmark
2023 “Limfjordens censurerede udstilling”. Struer. Denmark
2023 “Bugten” – Portalen Greve. Censureret udstilling. Køge. Denmark
2023 September. “Bugten-2 – Portalen Greve. Køge Kunstforening. Denmark
2022, november. Fredericia Artfestival, Jutland – selected as artist on the festival Beer. Also Artist Talk.
2021 August. Juried exhibition. H.C. Andersen festival. 3 watercolor paintings approved.

International Exhibitions

2023 Berlin, KühlhausBerlin, I am planning to visit Berlin 14. – 15. October 2023 – This artfair, Creative Mind, went bankroupt. So it is Cancelled : (
2022 Paris, Artmoney project about Climate and Oceans. Inspired by Climate goals.
2010 Las Vegas, USA, June with an International Contemporary Art. U.S. Artbook. (3 paintings)
2007 London, The Danish Art Club. (2 paintings)
1999 Kunsthuset, Barbacka i Kristiansstad, Sweden. (15 paintings)

Exhibitions of Mette Hansgaard
2023, Viborg Artfair, Jutland. Denmark – Marts. 1-2. 2023
2023 Berlin, KühlhausBerlin, I am planning to visit Berlin 14. – 15. October 2023 – Cancelled
2023, Galleri Samsø, June to september 2023.
2023 Portalen, Exhibition hall. Greve Denmark. January. Group exhibition.
2022 Art and Climate expedition to Greenland – Art for climate change
2020 Kunst for Alle. Copenhagen
2018 Art Fair – Art for All. Kunst for Alle Copenhagen

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