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#ICAN 5 - Sally

Hanne Nehmar

I am an autodidact contemporary artist working with acrylic and mixed media.

Born in Stockholm, Sweden, by Danish parents and moved to Copenhagen at the age of 9. Grown up and always worked in an international environment with many nationalities, my works often show influences from many cultures.

I get my inspiration from multiple sources and impressions, being it the urge to make a statement of political trends or to contrasts and moods. Most of my works have a figurative touch, but I have experimented with several isms, e.g. abstract painting, surrealism, graphic - and am always open to challenge my curiosity.

The present series #ICANs I am working on are tributes to women and minorities from third world countries fighting for their rights. Here I use the Russian icons as inspiration to underline my message in the works.

Vær den første til at se Hanne Nehmar's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

#ICAN 5 - Sally af Hanne Nehmar
60⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
3.900 DKK
#ICAN 8 - Opfordring! af Hanne Nehmar
100⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
9.800 DKK
#ICAN 6 - Madonna af Hanne Nehmar
90⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
6.500 DKK
#ICAN 7  Devotion af Hanne Nehmar
90⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
4.500 DKK
#ICAN 2 - Girl with mobile phone af Hanne Nehmar
60⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
3.900 DKK
#ICAN 9 -  Marta y Concepción  af Hanne Nehmar
90⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
6.500 DKK
#ICAN 4 af Hanne Nehmar
60⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
2.400 DKK
Zen Blue 1 af Hanne Nehmar
50⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
3.900 DKK

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Udstillings Datoer



Censoreret udstilling, Hillerød Kunstdage, 2019

Censurfri, Randers, august 2019

Galleri Kingo, Taastrup, december 2021

Nærum Kirke, maj 2022

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