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Kern Ekstrøm
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Kern Ekstrøm

I'm Kern E and I'm an award winning abstract artist based in Roskilde, Denmark.
Throughout my childhood and teenage years I have always been fascinated by the magic of drawings, paintings, comics and music, and I quickly discovered
that creativity was my passion.
Creating something new and unique from scratch, whether it was painting or drawings or music, was and has always been a great pleasure for me and
sometimes to my great joy also for many others in the circle around me.

In 2018, I found myself in the midst of a 'life changing event' with a deep felt urge to express my emotions. My creativity prompted me to use the canvas and my
artistic expression metamorphosed from cartoon stripes to explosions of color best classified as abstract expressionism.
My inspiration are the everyday observations human contact, thoughts, happiness, sadness....captured in the moment.

In other words......My artworks are snapshots of moods, impulsively channeled directly and unfiltered onto the canvas.
I rely on my intuition when I decide a painting is complete and therefore the end product rarely matches my preconceived notion.

Exposure is the alpha and omega in fulfilling my dream of spreading joy, hope and optimism through art.
Feel free to visit me on my SoMe accounts or please contact me for inquiries

Vær den første til at se Kern Ekstrøm's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Seduction 1  af Kern Ekstrøm
120⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
Kontakt for pris
Seduction 2  af Kern Ekstrøm
120⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
Kontakt for pris
Moments of life 1 af Kern Ekstrøm
50⨯40 cm (H⨯W)
Kontakt for pris
Moments of life 2 af Kern Ekstrøm
50⨯40 cm (H⨯W)
Kontakt for pris

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