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Malouca Metthe Agerbo
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Malouca Metthe Agerbo

As an artist I have always known what I want with my art, I have always known that I have a story to tell, which are why I paint Fantasy art with a touch of Romanticism. Through my Art You can see my very own style and technique, nothing you see every day. To be a Visual Artist is a Passion for me.

Vær den første til at se Malouca Metthe Agerbo's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Pegasus and the Mystical Blue Dragon  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
90⨯105 cm (H⨯W)
25.000 DKK
The Castle Of the Ice Dragon  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
80⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
16.000 DKK
The Fairy of the Rosen Garden  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
50⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
The Woods of Roses  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
50⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
The Fairy of the Rosen Garden  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
50⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
The Fairy and The Cat  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
50⨯50 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
The Seven Sisters  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
65⨯65 cm (H⨯W)
10.500 DKK
The Ladies in the Garden near the Old House  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
80⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
16.000 DKK
The Blue Ice Dragon and Her magical Dragon Egg af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
65⨯65 cm (H⨯W)
10.500 DKK
A Day in The Garden  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo
80⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
12.000 DKK
Ny The Lady and the Unicorn by Malouca Metthe Agerbo  af Malouca Metthe Agerbo

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Udstillings Datoer


Salon d'automne 2022 Paris
Viborg Art Fair 2022
2023 Viborg Art Fair
I have many different Exhibitions behind which You see much more about at My website
I have sold a lot to private Customers and to firm.

Kontakt kunstneren

Kunstsamlingen har ingen relation til salget eller eventuelle uoverensstemmelser.

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