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Pezhman Madani
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Pezhman Madani

Pejhman Madani was obsessed by art from childhood. He never studied art at school, but growing up in a family filled everyday life with art has been a great experience for him. His father, Davoud Madani, has been gratuated from Tehran University of Art and through years he has been a master for him. He started painting in oil medium at age of 16 and took great interest in realism paintings. By experiencing different type of mediums, style and techniques he finally encountered the medium of watercolor. In his watercolor paintings he tries to achieve a balance of harmony between tonal values, design, colour and mood that will visually evoke the emotions between the viewer and the painting. He believes that the watercolor  with its subtle and gentle effects is a perfect medium to achieve this. Pejhmans paintings are imbued with a mood, a mystery that engage and lure the viewer into the magic. He is an expressive painter. He exhibits a strong, impressive and colourful style with superb interpretation of light effects that capture the soul of places he paints.