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Gitte Veje
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Gitte Veje

My method is 'the planned figurative image'. I have an idea and a “projection” of how the picture should end when I start - but of course things happen along the way.

Often the painting starts with a room/some kind of a scene and a mood. Here, a fable or story is told - mine or the viewer's own story - often with wallpaper and patterns in the background.

It can be hares of all ages in a room where a dandelion has broken through the tiles, white rabbits on fans and globes or 41 canaries at an 'appropriate distance' from each other. You can also find an Ukrainian budgie that has been blown off course. I think the well-used Mardi Gras crown is full of history, joy and culture.

Some of the pictures are simply an expression of joy of colours, patterns, wallpapers, quirks, nature and simply the joy of painting. It is very satisfying to try to make the paintings beautiful or finely balanced and very often with a supporting humorous element.

Vær den første til at se Gitte Veje's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Spejling af Gitte Veje
120⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
8.200 DKK
Blå støvler af Gitte Veje
110⨯90 cm (H⨯W)
6.700 DKK
Udløbet tulipan af Gitte Veje
30⨯24 cm (H⨯W)
1.200 DKK
Blå undulater af Gitte Veje
100⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
5.900 DKK
Indigo med tråde  af Gitte Veje
80⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
3.200 DKK
Fri leg … med elefanter af Gitte Veje
90⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
5.000 DKK
Light pink Nature  af Gitte Veje
80⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
5.300 DKK
Krager i dis  af Gitte Veje
80⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
4.200 DKK
Voliere af Gitte Veje
80⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
4.200 DKK
Matematik og duer - af Gitte Veje
70⨯90 cm (H⨯W)
3.200 DKK
The green Dream  af Gitte Veje
80⨯80 cm (H⨯W)
3.700 DKK
Gul skræppe  af Gitte Veje
120⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
Pink Skræppe af Gitte Veje
120⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
Efterår af Gitte Veje
100⨯90 cm (H⨯W)
6.500 DKK
Skørt med folder af Gitte Veje
80⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
Oprevne vande oprørte sind  af Gitte Veje
80⨯60 cm (H⨯W)
3.200 DKK
Love  af Gitte Veje
30⨯24 cm (H⨯W)
2.200 DKK
Hør på hør  af Gitte Veje
30⨯24 cm (H⨯W)
Vifte med magisk kanin af Gitte Veje
80⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
Perler på gulvet !  af Gitte Veje
30⨯30 cm (H⨯W)

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