Quality Standards and Requirements

- Professional Grade Materials

Kunstsamlingen has a quality requirements for the Works, by demanding that the materials used to produce the

Works must be made of professional quality.

If you are in doubt about what quality materials there are, contact your local art supplies store and ask.

CreateArt - https://createart.dk | Tlf. 21 82 88 28
Stelling - https://www.stelling.dk
Kunstnerfarver - https://www.kunstnerfarver.dk
Aart De Vos - https://aartdevos.dk
Malerkassen - http://malerkassen.dk
Bogø Design - https://www.malerlærreder.dk
Vindelev Blindrammefabrik - http://www.vindelev-ramme.dk


Please let us know if you find any mistakes or omissions and we will look into it.

Oelstykke - 17th of May 2021