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Berit Sundberg
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Berit Sundberg

'When the inner Graphic Designer meets the inner Abstract Artist' - this is the best way to describe my work. Creating gives me an inner peace – and I often lose track of time, when I paint. Almost like being in a parallel universe, unaware of the surroundings. I get the same feeling when I practice Yoga, therefore many ideas come to me when I do my Yoga practice.

Vær den første til at se Berit Sundberg's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Time to change af Berit Sundberg
Winter Storm af Berit Sundberg
Aqua mountain af Berit Sundberg
NO762 af Berit Sundberg
Playful Pink af Berit Sundberg
UNDER THE ICE af Berit Sundberg
LET THE SUNSHINE IN af Berit Sundberg
TWO BIRDS ON A WIRE af Berit Sundberg
B THREE af Berit Sundberg
B FOUR af Berit Sundberg
Freedom af Berit Sundberg
Another day at the carnival af Berit Sundberg
Jumping for joy af Berit Sundberg

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